SEE Digital Rights Network NEWSLETTER! ![]() We want to use this opportunity to present all organisations from the network in our monthly newsletter. Each month we will present 2 organisations and we would like to kindly ask you to choose the most suitable month for you in the following table.
You can find a template that we would like to receive from you on this link.
Thank you in advance.
ABOUT US The SHARE Foundation was established in 2012 and its primary areas of activities are freedom of speech online, data privacy, digital security, and open access to knowledge and information. Our multidisciplinary team consists of legal and IT experts, artists and journalists. The Foundation has so far organized dozens of conferences, gatherings and workshops in Serbia and abroad, attended by leading activists and experts in digital rights and freedoms.The Foundation has also produced a dozen of info-guides and other free publications and participates in public debates on relevant laws that might affect citizens’ online rights in Serbia. OUR CONTENT/PROJECT WE THINK IS RELEVANT FOR THE NETWORK Smart surveillance cameras have been installed in the streets of Belgrade without public participation, discussion of consequences, and regardless of the principles provided by the law and the Constitution. Together with a community of individuals and organisations, Hiljade kamera (“Thousands of Cameras”), platform was started, which advocates for the responsible use of surveillance technology. The goals of the platform are citizen-led transparency and holding officials accountable for their actions, by mapping cameras and informing the public on this topic. WHAT IS OUR SUPERPOWER? Multidisciplinarity of our team makes us able to use a wide range of different methodologies in our work – which represents a place where cyber forensics, analysis and visualization of large amounts of data, cartography, media theory and philosophy intertwine. ![]() ABOUT US BIRN Hub is an umbrella entity that coordinates the work of the BIRN Network, an alliance of domestic non-governmental organisations promoting freedom of speech, human rights and democratic values. While each country organisation addresses domestic needs, BIRN Hub implements regional programmes. OUR CONTENT/PROJECT WE THINK IS RELEVANT FOR THE NETWORK In order to keep up with its mission to defend the public interest and to protect the right of citizens from Southern and Eastern Europe to be accurately informed on digitalisation of their lives and services, BIRN established the “Digital Rights Programme”. The programme is addressing emerging trends connected with the process of digital development of Southeastern and Central Europe, as well as the happenings in the online arena that have proved to be able to easily reshape our democracies and daily lives. The programme relies on the principles of human rights, security and the safety of personal data and the responsible use of innovative technologies. WHAT IS OUR SUPERPOWER? BIRN’s superpower lies in the power of journalism that is followed with lots of hard work and its dedication to cooperation on national, regional and global level.
According to Forbidden Stories and Amnesty International, more than 50,000 phone numbers have potentially been exposed to targeted surveillance with Pegasus software, which can compromise a mobile phone, extract all data from it, activate the camera and microphone for recording and more. Below are recommendations on how to protect yourself. ![]() ![]() ***We would like to invite you to help us build this newsletter in following months by sharing news and important information coming from your organizations. We want to include the important work that you all do as well. ![]() |